Monday, August 4, 2014

The Beth B. Moore Law Firm Celebrates 2-Year Anniversary, Relaunches Website

Relaunching The Beth B. Moore Law Firm website.
I'm happy to announce that as of August 2014, The Beth B. Moore Law Firm has been in existence for two wonderful and transformative years. I decided to celebrate the occasion by redesigning and relaunching my firm's website, This moment is made possible not just by one but in fact two important anniversaries in my life.  

In August 2012 I took two major steps forward. First, I married the love of my life and adopted his surname of Moore. Second, as soon as we returned from our honeymoon, I began registering my new law practice under my new name and began preparing for this new chapter in my life, both as a solo practitioner and as a spouse. 

My desire to open my own practice was fueled entirely by my desire to have an up-close and personal relationship with my clients. Having grown up in Atlanta, I've always been surrounded by visual artists, songwriters, musicians, bands, comedians, filmmakers and countless other creative types. Lacking artistic talent myself, however, I sought out the next hardest thing I could do to pursue a profession in the creative arts, which meant going to law school. By the summer of 2012 (not coincidentally aligned with my impending nuptials and name change), I felt the timing was finally right to hang my own shingle and pursue my original goal that motivated me to take the LSAT in the first place, which was to become a self-employed entertainment law practitioner.

When I started The Beth B. Moore Law Firm, I brought with me the experience of having worked in both entertainment law and in small business, but I knew I still had a lot to learn. Not to mention I still had to get used to answering to the name "Mrs. Moore." These past two years have been an ongoing experiment in learning all new methods of record keeping, accounting, marketing, web design, social media management, networking, client development, sales, invoicing and a whole host of other areas of business I've had to become proficient in, in addition to further developing my entertainment law expertise. All while simultaneously embarking on an identity-altering journey with my chosen life partner.

What I've discovered is that each and every day of self-employment offers an opportunity for brand new learning experiences, and as a lawyer, it's my job to capitalize on as many of those teachable moments as possible. The "battle" is never won, and the "war" is never over - the search for new clients and projects to work on is a lifelong pursuit. No matter how much knowledge I possess, there's always more to be discovered. Given this invariable truth, I'm forever grateful that I love my job and that I've discovered a purpose in life that fulfills my soul, each and every day. I'm even more fortunate that I get to say the same thing about my marriage.

Happy Anniversary, from the Moores! Here's to many more to come.